pearse street

Nuzum Bros., 201 Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

The former Nuzum Bros. shopfront on Pearse Street is one of many buildings in the same stretch that are in...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Painted sign, Mark’s Lane, Dublin 2+

Mark’s Lane runs parallel to Pearse and Townsend Streets, separating the Markievicz flat complex from St. Mark’s Church. The Markievicz...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Label stops, Pearse Street Garda Station, Dublin 2+

In addition to its remnants of shamrock gutters, there’s a small anachronistic detail on the Garda Station at Pearse Street...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Gutter, Pearse Street Garda Station, Dublin 2+

Though the notorious triple-parked cars outside might distract you from noticing it, Pearse Street Garda Station is a fine building...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Inhabited bridge, Cumberland Street South, Dublin 2+

Though Pearse Station occupies a big section through several blocks, most of it’s not immediately apparent from outside. It’s most...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Sign, Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

The Lido doesn’t exactly have a phenomenal shopfront. It’s nice and consistent, with the same blue lettering and heavy vertical...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Shopfront, 44 Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

There’s something about O’Donovan’s shopfront that makes it seem like it’s in miniature. It’s not, really, and the three-storey building...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Shopfronts, 183-187 Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

Numbers 183 to 187 Pearse Street look like part of a paper-doll townscape – a little uniform set piece popped...

Read More+ 12 years ago

St Andrew’s National School, 114-6 Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

The former St. Andrew’s National School faces the open end of Pearse Square, with the traffic along Pearse Street running...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Shopfront, 109 Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

Pearse Street Hardware’s signage is handpainted in brown and cream, inverting them so that the primary sign stands out in...

Read More+ 12 years ago