

Model, Thomas Read, 4 Parliament Street+

One of the nicest things about running a blog is that, sometimes, people get in touch about interesting things you wouldn’t...

Read More+ 10 years ago

Shopfront, 91 Monkstown Road, Monkstown, Co. Dublin+

Just a short distance from Knox Memorial Hall, the shopfront at number 91 is smart and symmetrical. Two panes to either...

Read More+ 10 years ago

Frank’s, 18 Frederick Street North, Dublin 1+

Though you could make a very good case for enforcing signage guidelines in the name of cohesive streetscapes and that...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Shop unit, 112-3 George’s Street Lower, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin+

The former Knowles Electrical premises on George’s Street Lower makes a strong mark on the corner, with a 45-degree chamfer...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Nuzum Bros., 201 Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

The former Nuzum Bros. shopfront on Pearse Street is one of many buildings in the same stretch that are in...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Derelict shopfront, South Richmond Street, Dublin 2+

There’s no world-weary pretension like 90s world-weary pretension, and correctly or not, that always seems like part of the cultural...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Shopfronts, 5 and 6 Rosemount Terrace, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7+

Two of Dublin 7’s most vital businesses are based in adjacent shopfronts on Rosemount Terrace, Arbour Hill: Lilliput Stores, a...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Shopfront (Thomas Read), 4 Parliament Street, Dublin 2+

Passing Thomas Read & Company on Parliament Street, there’s a feeling of the circus having left town. The shop closed...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Joe Byrne Bets Here, signage, 142 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4+

Turning from Upper Leeson Street onto Sussex Road, it’s almost impossible to read the sign in front of you as...

Read More+ 12 years ago

The Lilliput Press, 62-3 Sitric Road, Dublin 7+

The Lilliput Press occupies a particularly nice site on Sitric Road: an end-of-terrace house that’s amplified by the step in...

Read More+ 12 years ago