Occupying the northern end of Parnell Square, the Garden of Remembrance is a memorial to those who gave their lives...
Open Space
Block colour by the South Bull Wall, Dublin Port/Dublin 4+
Stretching out from Ringsend into Dublin Bay, the Great South Wall (or South Bull Wall) offers one of the more...
Granby Park, Dominick Street, Dublin 1+
Last week, I visited Granby Park for the Creative Mornings talk by UpStart Collaborative. The park is open for just...
‘Cactus Provisoire’, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2+
Fellows’ Square has quite a presence, not least for architectural reasons: it’s surrounded on all sides by significant buildings, by...
Rose Garden, Trinity College Dublin+
It might be a tiny bit misanthropic, but the nicest time on a college campus is the summer. Libraries are...
Dubhlinn Garden, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2+
Enclosed behind Dublin Castle, the Dubh Linn garden looks like a formal piece of landscaping styled with a touch of...
Blessington Street Basin, Dublin 7+
There’s nowhere better for eavesdropping in Dublin than Blessington Street Basin. It’s not a complicated little park, but the varied...
Inner basin, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 2+
The inner basin at Grand Canal Dock is the smaller and quieter of the two, and the limited amount of...
Huguenot Cemetery, Merrion Row, Dublin 2+
One of the most poetic places in Dublin, the Huguenot cemetery sits behind railings on Merrion Row, just off the...
Anna Livia, Croppies Acre Memorial Park, Wolfe Tone Quay, Dublin 7+
Éamonn O’Doherty’s ‘Anna Livia’ sculpture was originally situated on O’Connell Street. It was commissioned by businessman Michael Smurfit in memory of...