
Shopfront, 91 Monkstown Road, Monkstown, Co. Dublin+

Just a short distance from Knox Memorial Hall, the shopfront at number 91 is smart and symmetrical. Two panes to either...

Read More+ 10 years ago

Sign, Pearse Street, Dublin 2+

The Lido doesn’t exactly have a phenomenal shopfront. It’s nice and consistent, with the same blue lettering and heavy vertical...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Tiles, St. Joseph’s Church, Terenure Road East, Dublin 6+

Terenure’s most distinctive religious building might be its beautiful modern synagogue on Bushy Park Road, designed in 1954 by Wilfrid...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Mosaics, Dublin Corporation flats, Lower Kevin Street and North William Street+

These flat blocks by Dublin Corporation (now Dublin City Council) were a standard design which can be seen all around...

Read More+ 12 years ago